
eventmodule.EventHandler module

class eventmodule.EventHandler(action=None, patient_xml=None, event_number=None, do_coverage=None)[source]

This is the EventHandler class that should be subclassed by any Event Handler (piece of software) within the in-silico-trial.

  • root (etree_xml) – contains a lxml instance with all information from the patient_xml file
  • patient (etree_xml) – contains a lxml instance with patient specific information
  • event (etree_xml) – contains a lxml instance with the event specific information
  • insist (etree_xml) – contains a lxml instance with the insist generic trial information
event = None

XML tree containing information about the event

insist = None

XML tree containing the in silico trial

patient = None

XML tree containing information about the patient

root = None

XML tree containing everything, including the patient and event

EventHandler.parseTavernaInput(patient_xml, event_number)[source]

Method that parses the input from a patient xml file

  • patient_xml (string) – name of the patient.xml file
  • event_number (int) – specifies the id of the event that needs to be executed
EventHandler.__init__(action=None, patient_xml=None, event_number=None, do_coverage=None)[source]

A method that should be implemented in the API


A method that should be implemented in the API


A method that should be implemented in the API

place_clot.API module

class place_clot.API.API[source]

Bases: eventmodule.EventHandler.EventHandler

An example API class

This class is used to implement the interface of a software module

With the constructor you can set the example event values such that it will always work when calling handle_example. Furthermore the __init__ class of the parent super(). eventmodule.EventHandler must be called as well


Implementation of the placeholder function eventmodule.EventHandler.handle_event


Implementation of the placeholder function eventmodule.EventHandler.handle_example


Implementation of the placeholder function eventmodule.EventHandler.handle_tests