Source code for eventmodule.EventHandler

from sys import (argv,exit)
from lxml import etree
from .docopt import docopt
import coverage
import os
curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
cov = coverage.Coverage(config_file=curdir+"/.coveragerc")


Usage: (handle_event | handle_example | handle_tests) [--patient=<patient_xml> --event=<number> --coverage] (-h | --help)

  -h --help                Show this screen.
  --patient=<patient_xml>  Location of the patient xml file
  --event=<number>         Number of the event that needs to be executed
  --coverage               Create coverage report during run

[docs]class EventHandler(): """ This is the EventHandler class that should be subclassed by any Event Handler (piece of software) within the in-silico-trial. :ivar etree_xml root: contains a lxml instance with all information from the patient_xml file :ivar etree_xml patient: contains a lxml instance with patient specific information :ivar etree_xml event: contains a lxml instance with the event specific information :ivar etree_xml insist: contains a lxml instance with the insist generic trial information """
[docs] def parseTavernaInput(self,patient_xml,event_number): """ Method that parses the input from a patient xml file :ivar string patient_xml: name of the patient.xml file :ivar int event_number: specifies the id of the event that needs to be executed """ f = open(patient_xml, "rb") root_xml = etree.parse(f) self.root = root_xml.getroot() self.patient = root_xml.find("Patient") self.event = root_xml.find("Patient/events/event[@id='" + str(event_number) + "']") self.insist = root_xml.find("insist")
[docs] def __init__(self,action=None, patient_xml=None,event_number=None, do_coverage=None): arguments = docopt(docopt_interface, version='0.1') #: Read in the command line arguments self.root = None #: XML tree containing everything, including the patient and event self.patient = None #: XML tree containing information about the patient self.event = None #: XML tree containing information about the event self.insist = None #: XML tree containing the in silico trial if not hasattr(self,"example_event_number"): self.example_event_number = None if not hasattr(self,"example_patient_xml"): self.example_patient_xml = None if (do_coverage == None): do_coverage = arguments["--coverage"] if (not do_coverage): cov.stop() if (action == None): action = argv[1] if patient_xml == None: patient_xml = arguments["--patient"] if event_number == None: event_number = arguments["--event"] if action=="handle_example" or action=="handle_tests": if not event_number: event_number = self.example_event_number if not patient_xml: patient_xml = self.example_patient_xml if event_number == None or patient_xml == None: raise ValueError("--event or --patient not given as commandline argument and no override") self.parseTavernaInput(patient_xml,event_number) getattr(self, action)() #TODO optional arguments are possible with kwargs if(do_coverage): cov.stop()
[docs] def handle_event(self): """ A method that should be implemented in the API """ raise NotImplementedError("Please implement the handle_event method to handle events")
[docs] def handle_example(self): """ A method that should be implemented in the API """ raise NotImplementedError("Please implement the handle_example method to handle example")
[docs] def handle_tests(self): """ A method that should be implemented in the API """ raise NotImplementedError("Please implement the handle_example method to handle example")
if __name__ == "__main__": print("This file should not be called directly") exit(1)