Place clot software module

The place clot software module can be found as a seperate git repository at or as a submodule from .

Files and Modules

Within this module two files are present and one submodule. The submodule is the eventmodule.EventHandler module and is used in the file. The two files are the file and the Dockerfile file.

The file is based on the EventHandler class

class API.API[source]

Bases: eventmodule.EventHandler.EventHandler

An example API class

This class is used to implement the interface of a software module

With the constructor you can set the example event values such that it will always work when calling handle_example. Furthermore the __init__ class of the parent super(). eventmodule.EventHandler must be called as well


Implementation of the placeholder function eventmodule.EventHandler.handle_event


Implementation of the placeholder function eventmodule.EventHandler.handle_example


Implementation of the placeholder function eventmodule.EventHandler.handle_tests


The dockerfile is used to specify an environment with which to build the container. See the example from the place_clot package below:

# What is this container based on
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# Install the dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 python3-lxml
# Copy everything from this folder to /app in the container
COPY . /app

# Set the default entry point to call the API
ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/app/"]

Structure of events

Every module should handle an event. The eventmodule.EventHandler module class is written to hide the complexities of the pipline for the module. the file is used to implement this. There are three important objects that you need to know about when implementing the API.

  • self.patient: a structure containing the information about the patient.

Testing with docker image

To get started with running a software module it is important to first set up a docker image. To do this first install docker:

then navigate to the folder of your software module software/place_clot and execute sudo docker build .. This should produce some output and create your docker image. Docker images are identified by a hash which should be outputted on the last line of the build command. You can also try to find the correct image by executing sudo docker image list or rerunning the build command.

When you have created the image it is time to start testing your software! When developing it is easiest to create a terminal within the docker like so: sudo docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <container_hash>. Don’t be confused! You are now inside the docker image which is like a tiny OS. You can try to run commands like python3 handle_example. However, any change you make will be lost when you exit the container!

In the in silico clinical trial the folder with patient info will be mounted at /patient. To mount this folder you can use the -v directive of docker this will result in the command

sudo docker run -v `pwd`/patient:patient -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <container>

Where `pwd` expands to the current directory. When executing this command the /patient folder will be available within the docker container. This folder is also present outside the container and thus any changes made within this folder are persistent!

We can use the same docker behaviour to edit/debug/test our software modules. Normally the full module folder is placed inside the container as the /app directory. However we can mount our development version over the container version with the -v flag as well. So whenever you have a working container environment it is not necessary to run docker build after each software module update.

To mount the software module folder simply specify an extra -v flag:

sudo docker run -v `pwd`/patient:patient -v `pwd`:/app -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <container>

This command assumes that your current working directory is the software module directory (software/place_clot for example for the place clot module)

Testing events within the docker container

This part assumes you have run your docker container as specified above, and that you are currently have a terminal into the container open.

An event will always be passed to the software with the following command:

python3 /app/ handle_event --event <event_number> --patient <xml file>

For the example event handler you can set the variables in and you don’t have to specify them on the command line (but you could!). See command below:

python3 /app/ handle_example

Within the place_clot software module this will ultimately create a clot_present file in the /patient directory. (Which then is present outside the container as well).